Image Slidershow (image carousels)

The following tutorial will display the operations for installing Image Slidershow (image carousels) to your wordpress site.

This is only a feature on sites.

Soliloquy Dashboard Example

Tutorial Video for Adding/Changing and deleting Soliloquy Slider for Pages

Launch tutorial via link in its own tab

Video Captioning and Audio Descriptions

Augsburg, as part of the Associated Colleges of the Twin Cities (ACTC), has entered into a joint services agreement for closed captioning services with Automatic Sync Technologies. In this agreement, Augsburg receives a 12% discount from the educational organization rate, and a 20% discount compared to non-educational organizations.

In addition, Automatic Sync offers the ability to embed the video directly into Moodle or another web page, without having to upload your video to YouTube or Vimeo (although that is still an option).

Here is their pricing by service.

Captioning and Transcription: English, Spanish, or French Per Minute
Pay as you go. 4 business day turnaround $2.15
2-3 business day turnaround +$0.10
1 business day turnaround +$0.74
8 hour turnaround +$1.34
Tier Two* English captioning and transcription (see description below) $1.79

*Tier Two captioning and transcription utilizes a smaller pool of junior transcribers. Turnaround time depends on the amount of content, but will typically be between 4 and 10 business days. It is available only for english content, and there are no domain expertise options for this tier. Content with challenging subject matter or difficult audio is not suitable for Tier Two and must be submitted using one of our standard service tiers.

Audio Description Services Per Minute
English, 4 business day turnaround $9.50

For more information, or to request services, contact:

Margaret Alexandra
Automatic Sync Technologies
(877) 278-7962 x715

Or see my Video Accessibility Checklist (Google Doc) for information on when captions and audio descriptions are needed, what they do, and how they should be formatted.

Blogging 101

This video covers almost anything you need to know in order to set up and use the blog feature of your website on

For more tutorials, see the Documentation and Videos pages.

Introduction to WordPress

WordPress is the content management system (CMS) that runs the Augsburg College website. This video will show you around the administrator area of WordPress. I recommend you log into the website and look around as you follow the video. After that, see more tutorials on the Documentation and Videos pages.

How to Create a Photo Gallery